Ordination Council Chat: Part 2
Led by: Minister Penemue
These services have been tagged as being discussions about one or more of the seven tenets of The Satanic Temple. Each service is also tagged with the specific tenet or tenets that it discusses, so you can narrow your search by clicking on the more specific tag on any of these services. Tagging is a manual process, so if you see any services that should be added to this list, or any services on this list that should be removed, please let the Ordination Council know so they can make the correction.
Led by: Minister Penemue
Led by: Minister Enma Yama
Led by Minister Jules Morganti
Led by Minister Circe Andromeda
Led by Minister Circe Andromeda
Led by Ministers Phoenix & St. Abaddon
Led by Minister Ramsay
Led by Minister White
Led by Minister Levi
Led by Minister Citlali Soona
Led by Minister Leviathan
Led by Minister Isobel
Led by Minister Coty
Led by Minister Penemue
Led by Minister Rene Grigori
Led by Minister Salem Seladonia
Led by Minister Brother Faust
Led by Minister Stefan
Led by Cy Claw & Minister Zither
Led by Ministers Zither & Maryline Spicy
Led by Minister Isobel
Led by Minister Bartimus
Led by Minister Dex Desjardins
Led by Minister Neacail
Led by Minister Fliq
Led by Minister Penemue
Led by Minister Penemue
Led by Minister James Payne
Led by Minister Omen Cerberus
Led by Minister René Grigori