TSTTV for Religious Services

This page goes through basic step-by-step instructions for how to sign up for an account and how to gain access to The Satanic Temple’s religious services on The Satanic Temple TV. These steps have recently changed, so please review the whole process even if you have done it before.

This video will talk you through the entire process. If you prefer to read instructions, scroll past the video to the written step-by-step instructions below.

Step-by-step instructions:

1. Go to https://www.thesatanictemple.tv/catalog in your browser. You can bookmark this to make it easier to access in the future.

2. Scroll down to the row called “Religious Services” and find and click on the service for the date you are trying to attend.

3. On the service page, what you do depends on whether you already have an account.

If you already have an account:

  1. Click on the link that says “sign in to continue” that is below the button that says “get access now”
  2. You will then be directed to a login screen. Log in with your email and password
  3. After logging in, you will be redirected back to the video page where you will either see the event in progress, or you will see a button that says “I’ll be there!”

If you do not have an account yet:

  1. Click on the red button that says “get access now”
  2. Under “choose offer” click to select “free event pass” (it is the only option) and then “continue”
  3. You will then be directed to create your account
  1. Enter your name and email address and click the checkbox to accept the Terms of Service to create your account
  2. You will see a screen that says “no credit card needed”. Click the button that says “complete”
  1. You will see a screen that confirms that your order is complete, but then will be redirected back to the video page after a few seconds.
  2. On the video page, you will either see the event in progress, or you will see a button that says “I’ll be there!”

That’s it!

Keep in mind that you will only need to create a new account once. After that, you will be able to follow the shorter list of instructions every time to simply log in for the event!

How to enjoy other TSTTV content

Although religious services are free, we encourage you to purchase a paid membership on TSTTV so you can enjoy all of the rest of the content on the platform! To view their options for paid memberships, simply click the button that says “JOIN NOW” on the top right of the home page!

Who do I talk to if there is a problem?

Please send an email to support@cinephobia.tv if you have any questions about TSTTV, including problems with your account and questions about accessing content.