Satanic Holiday Traditions
Led by Minister Morrigan
These services have been tagged as being related to holidays, including both official religious holidays of The Satanic Temple and the way that being a Satanist impacts our experiences of popular holidays, especially those associated with family or theistic religious beliefs. Tagging is a manual process, so if you see any services that should be added to this list, or any services on this list that should be removed, please let the Ordination Council know so they can make the correction.
Led by Minister Morrigan
Led by Minister Roa
Led by Minister Citlali Soona
Led by Minister Miracle
Led by Minister Salem Seladonia
Led by Minister Citlali Soona
Led by Minister Samantha Sphinx
Led by Minister Deena
Led by Minister Citlali Soona
Led by Minister Penemue